At the last taskforce meeting (March 10th), student taskforce member Elischia Fludd successfully sought another student addition to the taskforce. Our apologies for not updating the list of taskforce members sooner.
Congratulations to Dear Aunaetitrakul from Queens College!
The taskforce now has 4 student members. The updated list is as follows:
1) Jerin Alam, Hunter College student
2) Vanessa Anderson, Institutional Research
3) Dear Aunaetitrakul, Queens College student
4) Eija Ayravainen, Dean of Student Affairs, Hunter
5) William Barry, University Director of Public Safety
6) Kristen Bowes, Associate General Counsel
7) Anabela Carrera, VP Student Affairs, Hunter College
8) Gilen Chan, Counsel to the President, City Tech
9) Elischia Fludd, John Jay student
10) Katie Gentile, Director of the Women's Center, John Jay
11) Nicholas Kanellopoulos, City College student
12) Lisa Montgomery, VP of Student Development and Enrollment Management, Hostos
13) Garrie Moore, VC of Student Development
14) Zina Richardson, University Director of Student Affairs
15) Frederick Schaffer, General Counsel and Sr. Vice Chancellor for Legal Affairs (Chair of Taskforce)
To Building a Greater CUNY!
Become involved! Email us at We currently have an immediate need for:
* A skilled technician with software to make jpeg files to post letters of support on the tracker
* A graphic arts designer to help our website designer
* Skilled media savvy persons to chronicle CUNY's progress for the students on campus blogs, radio and television.
* Organizations and individuals to endorse our cause (willing to sign a letter of support)
* Organizations and individuals to join Students for a Greater CUNY as a member
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