Monday, April 6, 2009

The last two pages of the policy- pages 9&10 of the second draft of the CUNY-wide Sexual Assault Policy

The images to the left and right of the screen are the final pages (9&10) of the second draft of the CUNY-wide Sexual Assault Policy. The text is provided below.


*Indicates 24-hour number


Police Emergency 911*

NYPD Sex Crimes Hotline


Rape Crisis Services

NYC Rape Crisis Hotline 212-673-3000*
Safe Horizon: Rape and Sexual Assault Hotline 800-621-4673*
Safe Horizon: Domestic Violence Hotline 212-577-7777*
NYC Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project 212-714-1141*
New York Women Against Rape 212-777-4000
New York Asian Women’s Center 888-888-7702*
NYC Alliance Against Sexual Assault 212-229-0345
NYS Victim Information and Notification Everyday 888-VINE-4NY
NYS Crime Victim’s Board 718-923-4325
Women’s Survival Space (Brooklyn) 718-439-4612

Rape Crisis Centers (affiliated with hospitals)


North Central Bronx Hospital: Sexual Assault Treatment Program 718-519-5722


Coney Island Hospital: Rape Crisis Program
718-616-4209, or*

Long Island College Hospital: Rape Crisis Intervention/Victims of Violence Program 718-780-1459


Beth Israel Medical Center: Rape Crisis & Domestic Violence Intervention Program

Bellevue Hospital Center: Rape Crisis Program 212-562-3435

Columbia Presbyterian Hospital: Domestic and Other Violence Emergencies (DOVE) 212-305-9060

Harlem Hospital: Center for Victim Support 212-939-4613

Mt. Sinai Medical Center: Sexual Assault Violence Intervention (SAVI) 212-423-2140

St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital: Rape Intervention 212-523-4728
St. Vincent’s Hospital: Rape Crisis Program 212-604-8068



Elmhurst Hospital: Borough Crisis Center 718-736-1288

Queens Hospital Center 718-883-3090

Staten Island

St. Vincent’s Medical Center 718-876-3044

District Attorney’s Offices

Bronx: Crime Victims Assistant Unit: 718-590-2114
Brooklyn: Victim Services Unit 718-250-3820
Manhattan: Victim Assistance Center 212-335-8900
Queens: Crime Victims Advocate Program 718-286-6818
Staten Island 718-876-6300

Programs For Abusers

Safe Horizon Alternatives to Violence Program:
Provides educational groups in English and Spanish for perpetrators of domestic violence. 718-834-7471
STEPS: Alternatives to Incarceration provides programs for adolescent male batterers 212-662-7914

If you are interested in locating a treatment provider for an individual with sexual behavior problems, call the Sexual Abuser Treatment Referral Line: 1-802-247-3132, Mon.-Fri. 9:00am-4:30pm.
If you are an adult at risk for sexually abusing a child, or are a friend or family member of a sexual abuser and/or victim, or a parent of a child with sexual behavior problems, call the STOP IT NOW! Helpline, 1-888-PREVENT (773-8368). Free, confidential, Mon.-Fri. 9:00am-5:00pm.


Become involved! Email us at We currently have an immediate need for:

* A skilled technician with software to make jpeg files to post letters of support on the tracker
* A graphic arts designer to help our website designer
* Skilled media savvy persons to chronicle CUNY's progress for the students on campus blogs, radio and television.
* Organizations and individuals to endorse our cause (willing to sign a letter of support)
* Organizations and individuals to join Students for a Greater CUNY as a member

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