Wednesday, April 15, 2009


The letter to the left of the screen is a support letter from the Student Optical Society (SOS.) at City Tech. The text of the letter is provided below. The letter proclaims the general interest of the SOS. in ensuring the safety of CUNY students and standing in solidarity with Students for a Greater CUNY. For more information about SOS, contact Selah Brown at

Selah Brown
300 Jay Street
Room P312
Brooklyn, 11212
Phone (718) 260-5298

April 15, 2009

Students for a Greater CUNY

Dear Friend,

It is my pleasure to send this letter of endorsement to have CUNY adopt a sexual assault policy. On behalf of the Student Optical Society, you have our backing in this current and hopefully future challenges. We have been around for the past 40 years helping those that have been through the Ophthalmic Dispensing program at New York City College of Technology. By the means of tutoring, guest speakers, trips to different opticianry labs, and networking amongst students and alumni we have been able to address many of our student’s concerns while seeking expert advice to solve these issues. Just as we believe vision is very important, we can not close our eyes and become blind to this serious issue concerning CUNY and the importance of having a sexual assault policy mandated. We look forward to assisting where applicable.


Selah Brown, President of the Student Optical Society

Become involved! Email us at We currently have an immediate need for:

* A skilled technician with software to make jpeg files to post letters of support on the tracker
* A graphic arts designer to help our website designer
* Skilled media savvy persons to chronicle CUNY's progress for the students on campus blogs, radio and television.
* Organizations and individuals to endorse our cause (willing to sign a letter of support)
* Organizations and individuals to join Students for a Greater CUNY as a member

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